Hop on board with safety and security! At Winston Salem Transit Authority, we're dedicated to keeping our riders safe and our fleet and property secure. We team up with law enforcement and private security to ensure a smooth ride, but the best security happens when everyone pitches in. Help protect the WSTA system and make it an even better place for everyone!
See Something?
Say Something!
Stay alert and enjoy a safer ride! Here are some easy ways to keep things secure for everyone:
Always stay aware of your surroundings.
Limit distractions like phones and radios.
At night, wait in well-lit areas and stick close to other riders. If there’s no bus shelter, find a spot under a street light or near a business with bright windows.
See something suspicious? Let your driver know right away so they can contact the proper authorities.
Report any suspicious packages or things that seem out of place.
Keep your valuables safe and watch out for pickpockets, especially when it’s crowded.
Not sure if something’s a concern? Report it! It’s always better to play it safe.
With everyone doing their part, we can all enjoy a secure and
worry-free ride!

Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a serious global issue affecting an estimated 24.9 million people worldwide. In the U.S., North Carolina ranks eighth among states with the highest rates of human trafficking, with 287 reported cases in 2018 alone.
Several factors contribute to this issue in North Carolina, including major highways that cut through the state, a mobile military population surrounded by adult businesses, rural areas with a high demand for low-cost labor, and the presence of gangs.
Know the Warning Signs Human traffickers use various methods to control their victims, such as confinement, isolation, threats, economic manipulation, emotional, and physical abuse. Victims may show signs such as:
Fearful, anxious, submissive, or tense behavior
Unusual fear or anxiety around law enforcement
Avoiding eye contact
Having minimal personal property
Lacking control over their identification or money
Being unaware of their location or unable to identify where they live
Claiming to be visiting but unable to specify where they’re staying
No access to healthcare
Showing signs of physical abuse or restraint
Always being accompanied and unable to speak for themselves
How You Can Help If you or someone you know is affected by human trafficking, reach out for assistance by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to BeFree (233733). If you suspect human trafficking in our community, report it to the Winston Salem Police Department’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at (336) 727-2800.
By staying vigilant and working together, we can put an end to human trafficking and protect those at risk.